Hayato Jin

Hayato Jin is a fictional character from the mecha series, Getter Robo. The aloof and seemingly anti-social Hayato Jin, displays considerable skill at various sports, but generally likes to be left alone. Despite this he eventually gets all the girls, including the Kyoryu Empire android spies. Hayato pilots the Jaguar Machine into battle with Ryoma Nagare and Musashi Tomoe. When combined with the others he pilots Getter 2. The machine reflects Hayato's physical strength and speed.

He is voiced by Keaton Yamada, who eventually became the voice of Combattler V's Juzo Naniwa. In Getter Robo Armageddon, Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo, and New Getter Robo, he is voiced by Naoya Uchida.

Getter Robo G was called Starvengers in the US and Hayato Jin was changed to Paladin Spencer.